In a Significant Move Maharashtra Government starts process of transfers in public health department which appears to be totally online and transparent.
Those who have been working in public health department knows how difficult it is to get transfer even for genuine reasons. There are many medical officers who have been thrown hundreds of kilometres away from there hometown and do have ailing parents or a working spouse or small children back at home. On one hand a medical officer is overburdened with work and on the other hand he is constantly under fear of something happening at home which is hundreds of kilometers away from his workplace.

There was a famous saying amongst the medical officers going for new appointment and joining that if are from “CITY A” you will get posting near “CITY X” and if you are from “CITY X” you will get posting at “CITY A”. so, the person posted at “CITY X” will go on striving to go to “CITY A” and the person posted at “CITY A” will go on striving to go to “CITY X” and both these people will be constantly doing this for years together. Some of these people will leave Job, some abscond, some take leave and the cycle go on perpetuating itself. Till last year there was no mechanism to decide who will get transfer and where he or she will get transfer and that led many medical officer to get trapped into the hands of touts.

But now the government of Maharashtra has come with an online system of transfer which talks about the things like
Employee Transfer Analysis which includes no of Application, no of Application whose transfer process carried out, no of Application whose transfer carried within his/her priorities, no of Application whose transfer carried out without preferences outside his/her priorities within same District of his/her Institute, no of Application whose transfer carried out without preferences outside his/her priorities within same Page 6 of 28 Division of his/her Institute and no of Application whose transfer carried out without preferences outside his/her priorities outside Division of his/her Institute.

The process appears to be totally transparent and after going through the portal it appears that this year there is hope of the process being totally online without interference from touts.
If that happens it will retain more honest working doctors in the system and it will also free these doctors from clutches of touts who had become rampant in previous years and were seen wandering at every nook and corner.
Let’s Hope for the best.

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