Obstetrics and Gynaecology Thesis/Dissertation Topics For MD/MS/DNB..
1. The Maternal and Foetal outcome in premature rupture of membranes.
2. Coagulation disorder in abruptio placentae and maternal and fetal outcome.
3. Study of Incidental HPV infection in PAP smear.
4. Doppler USG OBS and mean arterial pressure studies at 19-24 weeks and their outcome in pregnancy related to PIH.
5. Carcinoma of Cervix and its Management.
6. Pregnancy induced Hypertension : a prospective study of Fetomaternal outcome and its corelation to USG Doppler study and Histopathological changes of placenta.
7. Ectopic Pregnancy : Diagnosis & Management.
8. A prospective study of etiology, investigations, management and pregnancy outcome in Ist trimester abortions and its correlation with TORCH infection.
9. Safe simple and method of termination of early pregnancy MVA syringe.
10. A Study of ovarian malignancies; with special reference to management protocols.
11. Clinical and Sonographic correlation of IUGR.
12. To study Maternal & Neonatal outcome in vaginal birth after Caesarean section (VBAC) Vs Elective lower segment Caesarean section in patients with previous lower segment Caesarean section due to non recurrent cause.
13. Seroprevalence of Rubella virus in Preconceptional and Infertile women.
14. Comparative study of efficacy of Valethamate Bromide and Drotaverine in normal labor.
15. Cord blood nucleated red blood cell count- A marker of foetal Asphyxia.
16. Hysterectomy morbidity and mortality.
17. Comparative study of the Effect of different parenteral Iron preparation in pregnant anaemic women.
18. Nuchal cord & perinatal outcome.
19. Modified extraperitoneal Cesarean section -A study of 30 cases
20. Comparative analysis between PGE1 and PGE2 analogues for medical induction of labour.
21. Correlation of Pelvic findings, Ultrasound with Doppler and Tumor Marker (CA125) with Histopathological nature of ovarian tumors in women of 40 to 60 years of age.
22. Maternal and Perinatal outcome in Placenta Previa.
23. Effect of Progestrone in Management of Threatened preterm labour.
24. To Study the Effect of Omega 3 fatty acids on Pregnancy outcome.
25. Combined use of Serum Inhibin and CA 125 assays as Tumour Marker For Ovarian Cancer.
26. To Study the Correlation between Maternal Body Mass Index & Obstetric outcome.
27. To Study incidence of immediate postoperative complications of obstetrical and Gynaecological surgery.
28. Screening for preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction by uterine artery doppler at 11-14 weeks Gestation.
29. A study of Trans Obturator sling surgery in Management of Stress Urinary incontinence.
30. A study of correlation between maternal body mass index in pregnancy and its perinatal outcome.
31. Study of Multiple Pregnancy.
32. Role of Intrapartum fetal monitoring in predicting perinatal outcome.
33. Ultrasound evaluation of congenital anomalies in at risk Pregnacies.
34. Study of Perinatal Mortality.
35. Clinico-Microbiological Correlation of White Per Vaginal Discharge.
36. Placental Localisation by Ultrasound & its role in prediction of Pregnancy induced Hypertension.
37. Walking Epidural for painless labour.
38. Comparative Study of Various Methods of Fetal Weight Estimation at Term Pregnancy.
39. Comparison Study of various Oxytocics in management of third stage of labour.
40. Study of Socio-Demographic factors contributing to Eclampsia and their correlation with perinatal and Maternal outcome.
41. Control study on birth defects and risk factors at tertiary care centre.
42. Prospective clinical study of cases of Abruptio Placentae.
43. Study of safety & efficacy of low dose magnesium sulphate (MgSo4) regimen in controlling convulsion in Eclampsia.
44. Clinical study of PPH in rural population.
45. Effect of Maternal Haemoglobin % on Birth Weight and Apgar Score of baby.
46. Correlation of Clinical Features and Hormonal assays in Women having Polysistic Ovaries on Ultrasonography.
47. Intravenous Versus Oral Iron for Treatment of Anaemia in Pregnancy.
48. Borderline AFI in Last Trimester and Perinatal Outcome.
49. Extra-Amniotic Normal saline Instillation in 2nd trimester abortion.
50. A Study of Fetal outcome in Twin pregnancy at Government medical college , Nagpur.
51. Syndromic Diagnosis in RTI/STI among women of reproductive age group.
52. An Observational (Longitudinal) study of Amniotic Fluid index & perinatal (Fetal)outcome.
53. Prevalence & clinico pathological profile of endometriosis in Perimenopausal Women.
54. Perinatal outcome in cases of Term & Preterm Prelabour rupture of membranes with special reference to Body mass index, Hemoglobin status, Amniotic fluid index, Cervical score & Cervical and Vaginal colonization.
55. Study of Incidence of Hypothyroidism in Neonates.
56. Emergency Contraception – Public Awareness.
57. To study the effect of per-rectal Buscopan suppository (10 mg)on duration of active stage of labour, from ‘3’ cms – cervical dilatation to delivery of baby.
58. To compare the effects of intravaginal prostaglandin E1 and intracervical prostraglandin E2 for prelabour ripening of unfavourable uterine cervix in nulliparous women.
59. To study the efficacy of prophylactic IV methyl- Ergometrine, IM Prostaglanding -F2α, and oral prostaglandin -E1 in prevention of postpartum haemorrhage.
60. Complications and outcome in teenage pregnancy.
61. Study of risk factors and outcome in cases with postpartum hemorrhage.
62. Pregnancy outcomes in the in vitro fertilization conceived polycystic ovary syndrome patients: a retrospective study
63. The study of maternal factors and perinatal outcome in meconium-stained liquor in full term pregnancies.
64. A retrospective study on postmenopausal bleeding-causes and its diagnosis using transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy.
65. A study of effect of vitamin D supplementation in vitamin D deficient females having polycystic ovarian syndrome.
66. Study of sublingual misoprostol versus interavaginal misoprostol in induction of labor.
67. Maternal and perinatal outcome in cases of oligohydramnios.
68. The role of dignostic hystero-laparoscopy in the evaluation of infertility and the diagnostic accuracy of hysterosalpingography in early detection of causes of infertility over hystoero-laparoscopy.
69. The study of maternal factors and perinatal outcome in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
70. Ultrasound evaluation of cause of vaginal bleeding in first trimester of pregnancy.
71. Evaluation of factors leading to blood transfusion in antenatal & postnatal patients.
72. A prospective study to assess compliance safety and expulsion rate of CU-T 380 A in immediate post partum period.
73. A prospective comparative study to evaluate the efficacy and acceptability of intravenous iron sucrose and oral ferrous fumarate for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy.
74. Early neonatal outcome in meconium stained amniotic fluid in uncomplicated pregnancies.
75. Prostaglandin E1 in prevention of post partum bleeding: route of administration.
76. Prospective study to evaluate the safety,efficacy and acceptance of intra-venous iron sucrose complex in pregnant women with iron deficiency anaemia.
77. Non stress test as an admission test to assess the outcome of high risk pregnancy.
78. Study of indications of caesarean section and related maternal and fetal complications in teaching institute.
79. Study of maternal and neonatak outcome in cases of abruptio placenta.
80. Combination of foley bulb and vaginal misoproostol compared with vaginal misoprostol alone for cervical ripening and labor induction.
81. Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus with its maternal and fetal outcome.
82. Study of obstetric and fetal outcome of post caesarean section pregnancy at tertiary health care centre.
83. Study of complications of medical termination of pregnancy in first trimester.
84. A clinical study of ectopic pregnancy.
85. Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy after 20 weeks of gestation.
86. Prospective study of ultrasound imaging of ovaries with its clinical implication and management.
87. Role of encirclage operation in primigrivida patient with short cervical length.
88. Umbilical cord coiling index and perinatal outcome.
89. Relationship of the findings of colour doppler and non-stress test with the perinatal outcome among the cases of intra-uterine growth restriction.
90. The role of external pelvimetry and maternal height in the prediction of mode of delivery among nulliparous women.
91. A clinical study to correlate perinatal outcome of newborns with intrapartum diagnosis of fetal distress.
92. A comparative study of clinicosurgical outcome between total abdominal hysterectomy and vaginal hysterectomy in non proplapse and non oncological uterine conditions.
93. Comparison of sperm vitality of fresh semen before and after sperm preparation using two different methods in subfertile
94. Asthenozoospermic males attending the infertility OPD at a tertiary care centre.
95. Prospective study of socio demographic characteristics,maternal disorders & foetal risk factors responsible for early and late stillbirth in a rural tertiary care hospital.
96. A clinico -pathological study of women with complex and/or atypical endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma with special refernce to risk factors including lifestyle diseases and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
97. Foetal and maternal outcome in eclampsia.
98. Study of non-descent vaginal hysterectomy.
99. Study of Ovarian tumors.
100.Evaluation of high risk mothers by a screening system and its co-relation with perinatal outcome.
101. Study of maternal and neonatak outcome in cases of post partum hemorrhage.
102. The study of maternal factors and perinatal outcome in Diabetes mellitus type II.
103. Umbilical cord bilirubin levels and its correlation with NICU stay.
104. Evaluation of obstetric admissions to intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center.
105. To compare efficacy,safety and tolerance of intravaginal dinoprostone (PGE2) gel with intracervical dinoprostone (PGE2) gel for cervical ripening and induction of labour.
106. Assessment of antenatal women for gestational diabetes mellitus by DIPSI test and its maternal and fetal outcomes.
107. Serum beta hCG and lipid profile in early second trimester as predictors of pregnancy induced hypertension.
108. The study of foetomaternal outcome in obstetric haemorrhage.
109. A study of risk factors and pregnancy outcome in premature rupture of membranes at term.
110. The study of fetomaternal outcome of pregnaney in obese females.
111. Comparative study between the efficacy of intracervical foleys catheter balloon and dinoprostone gel for cervical ripening prior to induction of labour at term.
112. Hysteroscopic evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding.
113. Evaluation of maternal and fetal outcome in pregnancy with heart disease.
114. To study the outcome of spontaneous pregnancy in women with history of first trimester vaginal bleeding.
115. Prospective study of primary caesarean section rate in multigravida.
116. Study of cases of instrumental vaginal delivery.
117. Maternal and neonatal outcome of anaemia in pregnancy
118. Comparative study of capillary blood glucose estimation by glucometer and venous plasma glucose estimation in women undergoing the one step dipsi test (diabetes in pregnancy study group India) for screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus and to study the maternal,the fetal and the neonatal outcomes in patients with GDM.
119. Transcervical resection of endometrium as a conservative management of dub in premenopausal patients.
120. Study of postoperative effects of excisional procedures of uterine cervix.
121. Study of maternal outcome in patients with placenta previa.
122. Study of outcome of patients referred to tertiary hospital labour ward with hypertension in pregnancy and its complications.
123. Study of cases of instrumental vaginal delivery.
124.Clinical correlation with pathology of placenta in medical disorders of pregnancy & its comparision in normal pregnancy.
125. Evaluation of the incidence and outcome of gestational diabetes mellitus using the current international consensus guidelines for diagnosing hyperglycaemia in pregnancy.
126. Clinical outcome androgen profile before and after ovarian drilling in infertile PCOS patients.
127. The study of incidence & risk fators for surgical site infections in obstetrics and gynaecological surgeries.
128. Study of abnormal uterine bleeding according to FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) in nongravid women.
129. To study the use of hystero-laparoscopy in the diagnosis and management of infertility patients : (An observational study).
130. Study of risk factors associated with ectopic pregnancy: an observational study
131. Prediction of risk of preterm delivery by cervical assessment by transvaginal ultrasonography (A prospective study).
132.A comparative study of spontaneous versus induced labor in primi and multiparous women at tertiary care centre
133. Maternal and fetal outcome in eclampsia
134. A prospective study to assess the acceptability, safety and expulsion rate of CuT 380A in post placental period (PPIUCD).
135.Evaluation of maternal serum homocysteine levels and its association with severity of preeclampsia: a case control study.
136.Oral misoprostol solution for induction of labour.
137. Study of uterine rupture at tertiary care hospital an observational study.
138. Correlation between cytolgical and colposcopic evaluation of cervix in a women age group 35 to 55 years in a tertiary health centre.
139. Decision making regarding route of hysterectomy for benign uterine condition Study of causes of infertility in females with primary and secondary infertility.
140. Inducation of labour with oral misoprost at term in premature rupture of membrane.
141. Epidemiology of eclampsia.
142.Role of intrapartum transcervical amnioinfusion in patients with meconium stained amniotic fluid in 1st and 2nd gravida and fetomaternal outcome in transcervical amnioinfusion in MSAF.
143. Jaundice in pregnancy: maternal and fetal outcome.
144. To study effect of transdermal nitroglycerine in preterm labour.
145. Health status of postmenopausal women
146. Study of thyroid disorders in pregnancy and its maternal and perinatal outcome.
147. Assessment of fetal and maternal outcome beyond 41 weeks of gestation.
148. Medical and surgical management of ectopic pregnancy.
149. Study of surgical management of ovarian tumor.
150. Study of maternal morbidity and mortality in elective or emergency caesarean delivery.
151.Morbidly adherent placenta Its management and maternal & perinatal outcome.
152.Risk of malignancy index 2 (tingulstads) in preoperative evaluation of diagnosed ovarian mass and its correlation with histopathology.
153.To study the maternal and fetal outcome in patients of antepartum hemorrhage at a tertiary care hospital.
154.Evaluation of fetal abdominal circumference in pregnancies affected by gestational diabetes.
155. Comparative study of combination of misoprostol with Foley’s bulb compared with misoprostol alone for termination of second trimester pregnancy.
156. Prospective study of cases with uterine rupture: Risk factors and Outcome.
157. Comparison of single dose cefuroxime and multiple dose ceftriazone in elective caesarean section.
158.An evaluation of etiology of recurrent pregnancy loss: prospective observational study

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