General Medicine Thesis/Dissertation Topics for MD/DNB (101-200).

101. Study of association of dry eye with diabetes mellitus.
102. Correlation between red cell distribution width and coronary artery disease in patients
undergoing elective coronary angiography.
103. Electrocardiogram changes due to sodium stibogluconate treatment of kala-azar.
104. Preventive effects of geraniol in schizophrenia-like symptoms in mice models of psychosis.
105. Screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes: a hybrid method.
106. Epidemiology of prediabetes and prehypertension-progression, regression and interaction.
107. Comparison of ECG diagnostic criteria in diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy.
108. Prevalence of panic and agoraphobia in post COVID-19 patients
109. Study of Risk factors for coronary artery diseases in patients younger than 40 years.
110. Study of myocardial infarction in young patients.
111. Clinical profile and outcome of patients with meningoencephalitis in a tertiary care hospital.
112. Thyroid dysfunction in human immuno-deficiency virus infected patients.
113. Normative study of VO2 max in healthy young adults upon exercise on treadmill .
114. Analysis of feedback of private wards patients: missing links in patient satisfaction .
115. Assessment of online teaching among the students in the COVID pandemic
116. Stigmatisation in chronic hepatitis B and C infections-time to debunk the myth.
117. Study of the clinical profile and treatment outcome of pulmonary Kochs.
118. Factors contributing to splenomegaly among pancytopenia patients
119. Prevalence of obstructive airway disease in pulmonary function tests.
120. Study of the clinical profile of plasmodium falciparum malaria in pregnanacy.
121. A study of the serum lipoprotein (a) level in patients with chronic renal failure.
122. Magnitude and determinants of restless leg syndrome in patients of chronic kidney disease.
123. Predictors of mortality in patient hospitalized with pesticide poisoning.
124. Predictors of 30 days mortality and disability in patients with acute incident stroke.
125. Diagnostic accuracy of serum adenosine deaminase in detecting pulmonary tuberculosis
126. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk factor in
coronary artery disease in individuals above 60 years of age.
127. Prevalence of coronary artery disese in individuals above 60 years of age.
128. To study the practice of thromboprophylaxis in intensive care unit.
129. Nail fold capillaroscopy changes in systemic sclerosis and other auto immune diseases.
130. Study of neuroconitive impairment in HIV positive patients.
131. A study to estimate the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea in type 2 diabetes mellitus
132. A study of serum vitamin D levels in people using statins.
133. Cognitive impairment in critically ill patients.
134. Study of prevalance of anaemia in diabetic patients in a tertiary care centre.
135. Clinical and biologic profile of patients of multiple myeloma .
136. Clinical profile of patients of deep vein thrombosis(DVT) and study of factors associated
with anticoagulation.
137. Body composition monitoring and its impact on cardiovascular morbidity in dialysis
138. Study the profile of patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy .
139. Clinical, Virological and histological profile of hepatitis B infection in HIV patients.
140. Clinical profile of patients with guillian barre syndrome as diagnosed by modified ashbury’s
criterion, presenting to a tertiary level referral hospital.
141. Clinico pathological profile and therapeutic outcomes of lupus nephritis at a tertiary center.
142. Study of gastric emptying time using liquid meal and its relation to GI symptoms,glycemic
control and autonomic neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus.
143. To compare the therapeutic response of intra-articular steroids against nonsteroidal Anti-
inflammatory drugs in patients with osteoarthritis knee.
144. Study of clinical and hematologic profile of cancer patients with thrombosis in a tertiary
care center.
145. Orbital involvement in COVID-19 associated mucormycosis.
146. Study of serum calcium and serum magnesium levels in newly diagnosed hypertensives
147. Attitude and perception versus reality of COVID-19 vaccination among healthcare
professional: a survey.
148. Association between serum TSH levels and severity of heart failure in subclinical
149. Pattern of skeletal metastasis in breast cancer patients of northern part of Bangladesh
150. Perceived professionalism and its relationship with communication skills, social interaction
and attitude towards medical subjects among undergraduate medical students in Malaysia
151. Correlation between quality of healthcare and safety culture in rural India.
152. A study on demographical, clinical-radiological, and histopathological profile of bronchial
carcinoma in a tertiary care hospital.
153. Weight reduction and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus .
154. Granulocyte to monocyte ratio: leucokinetics in hematic biometry for appendicitis screening
155. Burden and features of neurological patients in tertiary care centre.
156. Prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia among school going adolescent girls.
157. Changing histological spectrum of adult nephrotic syndrome: single centre analysis
158. A correlation of the spirometric outcomes of follow up patients of COVID-19 pneumonia
with their admission time computed tomography severity score.
159. Generalised anxiety and depression during COVID-19 pandemic among .
160. Predicting the immediate outcome in patients with acute on chronic liver disease.
161. Functional outcome of the distal femur fractures using plate osteosynthesis
162. Comparison of pre-operative and post-operative liver function tests in patients undergoing
laparoscopic cholecystectomy at different intra-peritoneal pressure.
163. Pain management during vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell disease
164. Histomorphological study of vesiculobullous lesions of skin: a study of 100 cases .
165. Pattern of renal and urinary tract disorders in children
166. Evaluation of efficacy of pregabalin as premedication for post-operative analgesia .
167. Association of ABO blood group and Rh factor in cleft lip and palate patients
168. Assessment of the quality of life in parents of children suffering from epilepsy.
169. Clinical presentation of hypothyroidism: a study of 100 cases.
170. Relationship between red cell distribution and acute heart failure in patients.
171. The impact of video-game on aggressive behaviors among adolescents .
172. Epidemiology of infective endocarditis in patients referred to a tertiary care centre.
173. Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of preeclampsia in high-risk pregnant females.
174. A prospective observational study on understanding of idiopathic generalized epilepsies.
175. Study of thyroid function in patients admitted in intensive care unit.
176. Clinical study and evaluation of ascites.
177. A study of neurological manifestations in HIV infected patients.
178. Clinical study on hypothyroidism.
179. Clinical study in cerebro-vascular accidents.
180. Target organ damage due to hypertension: A Prospective study.
181. Clinical Manifestation of vit. B12 & folic acid deficiency
182. End organ damage and Complication of Type II diabetes mellitus.
183. Study of severe anaemia in a tertiary care centre.
184. Clinical Profile of individuals serpositive for hiv
185. Study of cardiac involvement in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
186. A prospective study of adenosine deaminase estimation in pleural fluid and serum in the
diagnosis of tubercular pleural effusion.
187. Clinical profile of myocardial infarction.
188. Clinical profile & aetiologic factors in cerebral venous thrombosis.
189. Clinical profile of rheumatic valvular heart diseases.
190. A study of cardiovascular changes in anaemia.
191. Clinical profile of acute renal failure
192. Study of clinical profile in pneumonia.
193. Clinical profile and ecg changes in unstable angina.
194. Study of autonomic nervous system in elderly.
195. 2D echo in acute myocardial infarction
196. Clinical profile of metabolic syndrome.
197. Clinical profile of patients of diabetes mellitus with special reference to dyslipidemia.
198. Study of clinical profile in a patient presenting with seizure disorder.
199. Study of risk factors in patient presenting with stroke.
200. Clinical profile of patients of cardiomyopathy

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