ENT Thesis/Dissertation Topics for MS/DNB .
- Clinical Outcome In Patients With Sinonasal Disease After Microdebrider Assisted Endoscopic Sinus Surgery A One Year Observational Study.
- Morphological And Morphometrical Features Of Human Middle Ear Ossicles- A Cadaveric Temporal Bone Study .
- Morphometric Evaluation Of Various Topography Of Thyroid Gland For Surgical Cruciality: An Observational Study
- Audiological Evaluation Of Early Nose Induced Hearing Loss In Traffic Police Personnel In A Second-Tier City- A Community-Based One Year Cross Sectional Study
- Clinical Outcome After Tympanoplasty With Use Of Autologus Platelet Rich Plasma In Case Of Tympanic Membrane Perforation: A One Year Observational Study.
- Assessment of hearing starts in patients with rheumatoid arthritis- A one year observational study
- The intratemporal course variation of facial nerve in wet temporal bones- An observational study
- Effetiveness of fentanyl nasal pack in post op pain assessment following fuctional endoscopic sinus surgery
- Radiological and morphological co-relation of mastoid air cell system in relation to its morphology
- Association of concha bullosa and chronic rhinosinusitis patients- A computerized tomography assisted one year cross sectional study
- Use of narrow band imaging in endoscopic evaluation of neoangiogenesis in laryngeal lesions
- ‘’Assessment of changes in intranasal moisture as an effect of deviated nasal septum using intranasal schirmer test’’- A one year hospital based observational study .
- Comparison of effect of preoperative intrasal desmopressin and intravenous desmopressin on intraoperative bleeding during FESS for chronic rhinosinusitis: 1 year randomized control study.
- Efficacy of anterior tucking versus conventional method in type 1 tympanoplasty- 1 year randomized control study
- Bacterial flora of respiratory tract following tracheostomy in intensive care unit patients: A one year prospective study.
- Analysis of nasal framework and its aesthetics in relation to CT scan: A one year observational study
- ‘’Study of relationship of inferior turbinate and uncinate process angulations with the lateral wall of nasal cavity in patients with septal spur’’- A one year hospital based observational study.
- Hearing improvement after adenoidectomy vs adenoidectomy with grommet insertion in cases of otitis media with effusion- A randomized control study .
- Study of Bacteriology in Cholesteatoma Cases
- Study of Preoperative and Postoperative Bacterial Culture in Sinonasal Polyposis Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
- Femoral Cortical Bone Homograft Ossiculo Plasty
- A Study of Deafness in Term Infants with Birth Asphyxia by Otoacoustic Emissions and Brain Stem Evoked Response Audiometry Tests
- Clinical Profile of Aerodigestive Foreign Bodies
- Comprehensive Analysis of Posterior Canal Wall Reconstruction Techniques on Patients Undergoing Canal Wall Down Mastoidectomy for Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
- Aetiopathological Evaluation of Epistaxis and Management
- A Study of Fungal Diseases of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
- A Study of Non Neoplastic Lesions of Larynx Causing Voice Disorders
- Cartilage Tympanoplasty in Atelectatic Ears
- A Study of Neck Secondaries in Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Malignancies
- Ossicular Pathology in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media
- A study of Otomycosis
- Comparison of results of outcome of canal wall up mastoidectomy and canal wall down mastoidectomy for chronic suppurative otitis
- Endoscopic findings and radiological appearance in chronic rhinosinusitisa comparative study
- Clinicopathological evaluation of cervical nodal metastasis in pharyngeal and laryngeal tumours
- A comprehensive study on closed Rhinoplasty
- Endoscopic Assisted Adenoidectomy – A Comparative Study of Endoscopic Assisted Curettage Adenoidectomy with Conventional Curettage Adenoidectomy
- The Impact of Management of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in the Clinical Course of Bronchial Asthma
- Hearing Benefit in Middle Ear Reconstructive Surgery : A Comparative Study of the Current Methods
- A Study of Twenty Interesting Cases
- A study of surgical outcomes in chronic suppurative otitis media tubo tympanic [mucosal] disease treated with myringoplasty / cortical mastoidectomy with type 1 tympanoplasty
- A study of role of contact points in nose – as a causal factor in refractory headaches and the outcome of surgical treatment
- A comparative study between modified underlay myringoplasty with graft over the handle of malleus and classical underlay technique with graft under the handle of malleus
- Pre auricular sinus – a study of clinical presentation and comparison of simple sinectomy with supra auricular approach technique.
- Comparison between sublabial mucosal flaps and two flap technique of septal perforation repair.
- The role of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in patients of asthma with sinonasal diseases with and without ‘jal niti’ (saline irrigation), a comparative study.
- Auditory screening of neonates and and infants by TEOAEs and evaluation of hard of hearing
- neonates and infants for cochlear implantation – A prospective study.
- Endoscopic management of Orbital Lesions- A study of 30 cases.
- Foreign bodies in aerodigestive tract- A study of 50 cases.
- Extracranial complications of unsafe chronic suppurative Otitis media- A study of 30 cases.
- Vocal Cord Paresis and Paralysis: Evaluation and Management.
- To Evaluate the Potential Role of Sentinel Node Biopsy in Oral And Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
- Study of Prevalance of Fungal infection in cases of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Indian Population.
- A study of Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) in Adults with Normal Hearing.
- An evaluation of thyroid swelling and its surgical management
- Clinicoradiological study of chronic paranasal sinus diseases and their management by conservative approach and endoscopic surgery.
- Co-relation of HRCT Mastoid with Clinical Presentation and Operative findings in Ear
- A comparative study of temporalis fascia Tympanoplasty with palisade cartilage tympanoplasty.
- Study of Otorhinolaryngological manifestations in HIV infection.
- Clinicopathological study of lesions of Nose & Paranasal sinusis.
- Evaluation and Management of Dysphonia – Aprospective study.
- Microbiological evaluation of chronic suppurative otitis media.
- Study of Internal Nasal Valve & assessment of result of its surgical treatment .
- Clinical profile of deep neck space abscess and its management.
- Comparative Study of effect of Hyperthrophied Nasal Turbinate Cautery by Cryosurgery and Chemical Cauterization.
- Study of unsafe CSOM in Paediatric Population.
- Study of Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Chronic Otitis Media.
- Comparative Study of Nasal resistance patterns in Patients with Allergic Rhinitis Before and After Medication Using Rhinomanometer.
- To study the incidence of human papilloma virus related squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity & oropharynx and outcomes after treatment in a population of smokers and non smokers.
- Comparison of efficacy of narrow band imaging endoscopy and contact endoscopy in early diagnosis and surgical management of squamous malignancies of upper aerodigestive tract.
- A comparative study to evaluate the swallowing dysfunction in patients of locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma oral cavity pre and post treatment.
- A study of biofilms in chronic otitis media-active squamosal disease.
- A study of correlation between tympanic membrane perforation size and hearing loss in patients with inactive mucosal chronic otitis media.
- Acoustical analysis and videostroboscopic evaluation of voice disorders.
- Evaluation of otorhinolaryngological manifestations in children with hematooncological disorders. Efficacy of autograft and synthetic prosthesis in middle ear ossicular reconstruction.
- Functional outcomes of cochlear implantation in pre-lingual deaf children.
- Fluticasone with or without verapamil for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis.
- Endoscopic management of retraction pockets and limited attic cholesteatoma.
- Anatomical and radiological analysis of intercarotid artery distance in endoscopic resection of pituitary tumors.
- Analysis of clinical features and surgical outcome in subglottic stenosis
- Expression of epithelial mesenchymal transition associated proteins snail and slug in oral cancer with and without neck metastasis
- Olfactory outcomes after functional endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps
- A study of linguistic outcomes of unilateral cochlear implantation in pre-lingually deaf children.
- Diagnostic efficacy of oto acoustic emission & auditory brainstem response based protocol for neonatal hearing.
- To evaluate speech and swallowing post-operatively in partial glossectomy patients and their role in effective rehabilitation.
- Clinico pathological evaluation of cytokeratin-18 in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
- Correlation of osteitis with disease severity and treatment outcome in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis.
- To evaluate the success of intraoral approach for removal of submandibular hilar stones.
- Surgical outcome in tracheal stenosis.
- A comparative study of endoscopic stapedotomy and microscopic stapedotomy.
- Comparative evaluation of preoperative hrct temporal bone with intraoperative endoscopic assessment of round window niche accessibility in cochlear implant surgery.
- Comparison of transeptal suturing technique with polyvinylalcohol spong nasal packing for hemostasis after septoplasty.
- Effect of gestational diabetes mellitus on hearing.
- Radiological evaluation of lacrimal apparatus injury after functional enoscopic sinus surgery.
- Isolated pruritus of external auditory canal: a clinical study.
- Effect of mastoid drilling on hearing sensitivity and otoacoustic emissions in normal ear of patients undergoing mastoid surgery.
- A study of correlation between glycosylated haemoglobin and sensorineural hearing loss in type II diabetic patients
- Mycological study in chronic suppurative otitis media-cholesteatoma disease.
- Usefulness of image analysis using imageJ of the interarytenoid area to detect cases of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux.
- Clinical profile, aeroallergen sensitivity and assessment of pulmonary function in pediatric chronic rhinosinusitis.
- Outcome of endoscopic resection of benign sinonasal tumors.
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