Anatomy Thesis/Dissertation Topics for MS/DNB .
1. Geometric morphometric study of clavicle for sexual dimorphism and clinical correlations.
3. A study of morphometric details of dry human humerus in reconstruction of total humeral length using the measurements of its proximal and distal segments.
4. Morphological and morphometric analysis of human adult dry forearm bones of Indian origin for sexual diamorphism.
5. Morphometric study and its application in sexual dimorphism of scapula.
6. Morphometric study of human tali.
7. The study of variations in popliteal artery in the cadavers.
8. Morphometric study of lateral ventricle by computerised tomography and dissection method.
9. Histogenesis and morphometric study of human foetal thymus.
10.A clinico-anatomical study of acromial morphology and its clinical importance in Indian population.
11.A study of variations in coronary arteries distribution in human cadaveric heart.
12.Variations of hepatic artery : anatomical study on cadavers.
13.Study of body composition & systemic effects in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
14.A Study on the branching pattern of middle cerebral artery.
15.A Study of Umbilical Cord in 50 Specimens in Tamil Nadu Population.
16.A Study on variations in the branching pattern of anterior cerebral artery.
17.Study of Branching Pattern of Right Coronary Artery in 50 Specimens.
18.Study of the Coeliac Trunk and Its Branches in 50 Specimens.
19.A Study on Morphology and the Arterial Supply of Vermiform Appendix.
20.Study of Extrahepatic Biliary Apparatus
21.Study of the Coeliac Trunk and its Branches in 50 Specimens
22.Study of Branching Pattern of Left Coronary Artery in 50 Specimens
23.Study of lumbar plexus in 25 cadavers
24.Study of morphology of kidney in hundred specimens
25.Study of Morphology of abdominal arota in 50 specimens
26.Study of morphology of hundred dry human mandibles
27.Study of morphology of placenta in fifty specimens
28.A Study on Variations of the second part of the Duodenum, the Pancreas and the Portal Vein with Applied Aspects
29.Trachea and the mode of branching of bronchial tree
30.Variations in the branching pattern and dimensions of arch of aorta
31.Placenta and its clinical correlations
32.Variations in the pelvicalyceal pattern in human kidneys
33.Dermatoglyphic patterns as predictors of treatment response in schizophrenia
34.Estimation of stature from the bony markers of proximal end of ulna
35.Morphometric Analysis of Cd1a Positive Langerhans Cells in the Human Tympanic Membrane.
36.Morphometric analysis of the adult knee and its correlation with current knee arthroplasty systems.
37.Study of Facial Artery and Its Branches with Special Reference to Submental and Perioral Branches in South Indian Subjects.
38.A Study on the branches and the branching pattern of internal iliac artery including its surgical and radiological implications
39.The Study of the Origin, Course, Distribution and Branching Pattern of the Inferior Epigastric Artery
40.The Clinical Anatomy of Cricothyroid Membrane – Its relevance to Emergent Subglottic Procedures
41.Posterior Tibial Artery, Its Branching Pattern and Variations with its Clinical Applications
42.Anatomy of the Radial Artery, Its branching Pattern and Variations with its Clinical Applications
43.Morphology and Morphometric Analysis of the Human Mitral Valve Complex
44.A Study on the Great Saphenous vein including it’s surgical and radiological implications
45.Study of Branching Pattern and Surgical Anatomy of Femoral Artery
46.Brachial Artery, its branching pattern and variations with its clinical applications
47.Anatomy of the Broncho Pulmonary Segments
48.Radiological and surgical oriented anatomical study of “Variations in Extrahepatic Biliary Ductal System and its related vessels” with its clinical implications
49.Morphology and Morphometric study of Placenta and Umbilical Cord with its Vascular Pattern and Comparative Anatomy
50.Study of the ductal pattern of pancreas
51.A study on dermatoglyphic pattern in women with breast cancer
52.Study of the Segmental Anatomy of Liver and Its Clinical Importance
53.The Study of Density Variations in Computed Tomographic Images of the Liver and Its cinica importance
54.Study of the variation in the relations of recurrent laryngeal nerve to the thyroid gland and its vascular pedicles
55.Clinical Significance of the Anatomical Variations of the Brachial Plexus
56.Variations in the Origin and Colic branches of the Superior Mesenteric Artery
57.The Study of Cardiac Valve Annular Dimensions and their Clinical Significance
58.Pattern of Gastric Innervation
59.Variations in the number and attachment of papillary muscles
60.The study of the origin and branching pattern of the popliteal artery pertaining to the popliteal fossa and its clinical significance.
61.Morphological and morphometric study of normal pelvicalyceal anatomy and its variations in cadaveric kidneys
62.Morphological and morphometrical study of placenta in normal and pregnancy induced hypertension patients. of the dermatoglyphic pattern in diabetic and essential hypertensive subjects.
64.Cadaveric study of dimensions of human adult tricuspid valve & the attachment of chordae tendinae
65.Study of brachial artery and its branches ,their variations and clinical significance
66.Anatomical study of right and left coronary arteries in human cadaveric hearts
67.Study of palmar dermato- glyphics in the patient of diabetes mellitus in al-ameen medical college hospital & dist hospital.
68.Study of proximal and distal dimensions of tibia in correlation with the length of tibia
69.A study of morphologic and morphometric parameters of human mandible
70.Detailed study of the left coronary artery in cadaveric human hearts
71.Anthropometric study of proximal femoral geometry in indian population and its clinical application
72.External carotid artery and its branching pattern- a human cadaveric study.
73.A cadaveric study of origin, course, branching pattern, and variations of common peroneal nerve
74.A study of formation and branching pattern of plantar arterial arch.
75.The study of popliteal artery its branching pattern and anatomical variations
76.A study for estimating length of femur based on the osteometric measurements of its fragments
77.”a morphometric study of adult thyroid and cricoid cartilages in tertiary care center, Mysore.”
78.A study of sural nerve in relation to tendoachilles in human cadavers
79.Volumetric analysis of paranasal air sinuses and mastoid air cells using computed tomography
80.Anthropometric analysis of palpebral fissure and external nose in indian population
81.Analysis of the anthropometric indices of the medical longitudinal arch of the foot using digital photography in an adult Indian population : a cross sectional study
82.Fascicular morphometric study of cross-sections of the radial, median and ulnar nerves in adult Indian cadavers.
83.Comparison of surface area of representative cortical region in cross-sectioned slides at amygdala complex between control and electroconvulsive shock treated rats as a marker of neuroplasticity
84.Ultrasonic assessment of gestational age in second trimester of pregnancy using fetal parameters
85.Morphological study of placenta of low-birth-weight newborns in relation to maternal health
86.Histological and histochemical study of normal, benign hypertrophic and malignant human prostate
87.A study of the formation, course and the branching pattern of the dorsalis pedis artery in adult human cadavers and its clinical
88.Morphometric measurements of scapula and suprascapular notch
89.Study of gross anatomy and metrical analysis of coronary sinus in human heart.
90.A study of branching pattern of internal iliac artery in human cadavers.
91.A human cadaveric study of variations in origin and branching patterns of superior thyroid artery.
92.A human cadaveric study on anatomical variations in formation and branching pattern of lumbar plexus and its relation with psoas major muscle
93.”study of morphology of brachialis muscle and its innervation”
94.A study of tibial nerve-origin termination and motor branching pattern to the deep muscles of the posterior crural region
95.Gender and age based morphometric study of hip joint in plain radiographs of adult Indian population
96.”morphometric study of sub hepatic part of inferior vena cava”
97.Morphology and morphometry of proximal end of dry radii in indian population
98.Angular dimensions and squatting facets in human dry tali of Indian origin
99.Mitomycin-c induced stress-test for diagnostic differentiation of Fanconi anemia from idiopathic aplastic anemia
100. “determination of sex in adult humans by the anthropometric data of acromial, sternal ends and volume of the clavicles.
101. Study of palmar dermatoglyphics in patients of coronary artery disease.
102. A study of morphology, weight and vascular pattern in human placenta
103. A radiological study of ossification at lower end of humerus
104. “estimation of stature from forearm and hand length measurements in south indian adult population”
105. “human cadaveric study on anatomical parameters of trachea.
106. Study of segmental branches of splenic artery in human cadaver spleen
107. A study on types of main and right portal vein branching patterns by dissection method
108. Regression equation for estimation of total length of humerus from its segments
109. Study of radial nerve: its course and branching pattern in the ailla and posterior comparment of the arm
110. Study of anatomical variations of lumbricals in hand
111. Study of variations in branching pattern of arch of aorta in humans
112. Morphometric study of the first cervical vertebra – a clinical perspective.
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